There is something special about those people who are consistently producing results and achieving great things in business and career. Their actions are not random; there habits are consistent. Here are 4 habits of super achieving entrepreneurs I have observed.

Thomas Edison is a classic example of one of the habits of super achievers, the routine of consistency to purpose, which is also the common denominator to all stories of success. I know a lot of people don’t know this; Edison had to make 10000 attempts to invent the light bulb. Most of us barely make five or fewer attempts on a failing project and then immediately give up, pack their tools and clear out of the site of action.
A story is told of a man who wanted to dig gold. He had made prior study on the land which confirmed that indeed gold could be mined at that particular spot. He did what any investor could have done: he got capital and bought machinery and hired his labor. There was excitement and high expectation from everybody from his family to the friends. He knew that soon he would be a multimillionaire.
There was a lot of activity and the workers worked vigorously to strike the first vein as soon as possible. Work continued for many days but there was no sign of any gold. As many days went, more and more of faith in the undertaking was being washed away. And one day, the man deemed it wise to quit to avoid further wastage of recourses and energy. He sold his machinery and equipment to another man. The story goes that the other man continued to dig from where it had been left and just a few feet, the first veins of gold did begin to appear.
You are going to see men up there and you are going to think that it was easy for them to get there, you are going to imagine that they were born lucky but there is something in them you must learn: determination is the key to every conscious undertaking you wish to undertake. Determine that it will be done and then see it through until it is finished. There is something of extraordinary manner about sticking to your dreams longer than anybody’s expectation.
There is something else that I saw that was very common in the men and women of success and that brings us to the second routine of goal achievers
Man is a social animal. His life revolves around other people, so a successful person has a duty to learn to work with people effectively. You will not avoid talking to people, making new friends, proposing to others, and convincing someone to assist you in something and so much more.
Self efficacy is not grown in a day. It is nurtured by several things over and over until it becomes permanent. It is also as a result of personal assurance that boils in the pot of high self-esteem.
Know what you want then go for it in full, confidently, knowing that you will settle for nothing short of what you so desire. Do not underestimate yourself nor rate yourself lower than average. The more you think yourself a failure the more failures you will meet on your attempt to achieve your lifetime goals. You have to think high and great to be a super achiever. You have to see yourself at the top long before you are even halfway there because that will make you focused on your career.
It is not always the genius or people with exceptional abilities who prevail but people who have a positive mental outlook on their own abilities. It isn’t the man with the most energy who will emerge a winner in the arenas except if he has insurmountable faith in what he can do. Giants can fall and geniuses can be failures in the novel of life but the person who understands himself is like a fortress in these dynamic times.
As far as your abilities are concerned, what you think of yourself is much more important than anything else; it is more important than the situations you are in, it is more important than what other people think of you and more importantly it is a vital step to proper growth.
I give it wings and it flies
And patches elegantly,
It has a voice and sounds and
Hoots and converses,
My dreams are things
With form and shape.
Created after my own image,
It must do my will.
I. Consistency of purpose
I said to myself: this is so difficult for me. It is not meant for me. It is no use wasting time on things that are beyond me. Let me chase after what I can easily catch and I chose what was easy and undemanding and I chased after it. I spent days trying to catch it but it too became difficult to chase and then something told me to quit and save myself a lot of agony and without a word, I quitted. Now I see why should not have quitted. I realize that I should have stayed on and continued. ‘Quitters are losers and losers are quitters’ is what I have learnt all these years.
Thomas Edison is a classic example of one of the habits of super achievers, the routine of consistency to purpose, which is also the common denominator to all stories of success. I know a lot of people don’t know this; Edison had to make 10000 attempts to invent the light bulb. Most of us barely make five or fewer attempts on a failing project and then immediately give up, pack their tools and clear out of the site of action.
A story is told of a man who wanted to dig gold. He had made prior study on the land which confirmed that indeed gold could be mined at that particular spot. He did what any investor could have done: he got capital and bought machinery and hired his labor. There was excitement and high expectation from everybody from his family to the friends. He knew that soon he would be a multimillionaire.
There was a lot of activity and the workers worked vigorously to strike the first vein as soon as possible. Work continued for many days but there was no sign of any gold. As many days went, more and more of faith in the undertaking was being washed away. And one day, the man deemed it wise to quit to avoid further wastage of recourses and energy. He sold his machinery and equipment to another man. The story goes that the other man continued to dig from where it had been left and just a few feet, the first veins of gold did begin to appear.
You are going to see men up there and you are going to think that it was easy for them to get there, you are going to imagine that they were born lucky but there is something in them you must learn: determination is the key to every conscious undertaking you wish to undertake. Determine that it will be done and then see it through until it is finished. There is something of extraordinary manner about sticking to your dreams longer than anybody’s expectation.
There is something else that I saw that was very common in the men and women of success and that brings us to the second routine of goal achievers
II. Self-efficacy
Self-efficacy is self worth. It is the sense of deep security and self confidence. If you are not going to place belief and trust in yourself nobody is going to. The Chinese have a saying that the first person to be conquered is you. The first enemy we must triumph upon is really ourselves. When you place self-confidence upon yourself, you are essentially rising beyond yourself to power so that you can express yourself as you would want to without fear of intimidation.Man is a social animal. His life revolves around other people, so a successful person has a duty to learn to work with people effectively. You will not avoid talking to people, making new friends, proposing to others, and convincing someone to assist you in something and so much more.
Self efficacy is not grown in a day. It is nurtured by several things over and over until it becomes permanent. It is also as a result of personal assurance that boils in the pot of high self-esteem.
Know what you want then go for it in full, confidently, knowing that you will settle for nothing short of what you so desire. Do not underestimate yourself nor rate yourself lower than average. The more you think yourself a failure the more failures you will meet on your attempt to achieve your lifetime goals. You have to think high and great to be a super achiever. You have to see yourself at the top long before you are even halfway there because that will make you focused on your career.
It is not always the genius or people with exceptional abilities who prevail but people who have a positive mental outlook on their own abilities. It isn’t the man with the most energy who will emerge a winner in the arenas except if he has insurmountable faith in what he can do. Giants can fall and geniuses can be failures in the novel of life but the person who understands himself is like a fortress in these dynamic times.
As far as your abilities are concerned, what you think of yourself is much more important than anything else; it is more important than the situations you are in, it is more important than what other people think of you and more importantly it is a vital step to proper growth.
II. Planning
My idea is alive,I give it wings and it flies
And patches elegantly,
It has a voice and sounds and
Hoots and converses,
My dreams are things
With form and shape.
Created after my own image,
It must do my will.
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