Have you ever wondered why some people are so successful? Sure you have. Motivation, a great idea and a little luck helps, but most millionaires, the successful people share certain habits. Here is a list of 9 habits that you too can start applying, and the good news is that it won’t cost you anything.
1. Successful people meditate
According to the Huffington Post Founder, Ray Dalio, meditation can help one to achieve anything in life. He says that meditation was, more than anything else, responsible for what he has achieved in life. Dalio is not alone. Influential people like Rupert Murdoch, Oprah Winfrey, Russel Simmons, Bill Ford, Arianna Huffington and many others have benefited greatly from meditation. Meditation does more than just give you success in business, it also brings fulfilment in relationships, improves your spirituality and improves your mind and body health. Meditation can also help you to become a better employee.
2. They wake up early.
All the successful people I know wake up early every day. Richard Branson, Robin Sharma, Jack Dorsey, Barack Obama, Tim Cook, Larry Schultz and Ursula Burns are al known to be early risers. Rising early is beneficial because it helps you to start your day early and finish your tasks before you become exhausted. Earlier rises also tend to be more lively, alert, jovial and healthier than those who wake up when the sun is already up.
3. They network.
Networking is very important. Successful people network all the time. Even when looking for a job, you have to network to increase your chances of landing a job. Networking opens new business opportunities and helps successful people to become even more creative and innovative. If you don’t network, your chances of meeting new clients, potential employers and business partners are limited.
4. Keep themselves busy
There is a close relationship between idleness and misery. Successful people are rarely idle. Some of the most successful people you see like Robert Moses are known to work more than 60 hours per week while the less successful barely manage 40 hours a week without complaining. If you want to become an entrepreneur, that is the kind of work ethic you should adopt.
5. They know when to say "no."
Warren Buffet once said that what differentiates between the successful and the less successful people is that the successful people say NO almost all the time
Do you say yes to every request, every suggestion, every help, and every idea that is presented to you? If you say yes to everything, when are you going to have time to do the things that are important to you? Don’t say yes to every request that wastes your energy, time and money. Don’t say yes to every unpleasant thing simply because it was requested by a friend or a relation. It is important to learn to say NO respectably but firmly. If you say yes to everything, you will never have time or the resources for your own advancement. Learning to say No might be the answer to all your productivity issues.
6. They don’t watch TV, they read.
Too much TV not only robs you of your time, it also makes your mind weak. We need not to go into the silliness and vanity of some of the TV programs. The successful among us watch TV for one hour or less every day. Some even go without TV for days. Research shows that 78% of the poor watch reality shows compared to only 6% of the wealthy. Instead of watching TV during their free time, the successful love to read for self-improvement.
7. They plan their day the night before
Only if you are not serious with your business or work will you go to sleep without planning your day the night before. Successful people write a list of things to do the night before. They arrange their list in such a way that the least important task falls at the bottom and the most important tasks are at the top.
8. They set goals and visualize.
Without goals, one cannot achieve anything in life. 95% of successful people say they set goals and write them down on a regular basis.
Setting goals and visualizing your future is an important ingredient for success.
9. They manage their money
It is difficult to become successful without money management skills. Successful people got to where they are because they were able to manage their finances and investments. They are cheerful gives, they know how to look for opportunities and set aside emergency funds. Opportunities only come to those who are well prepared.
10. They associate with other successful people
Rarely will you find successful people making friends with simpletons. They form friendship with people who have substance and can improve them.
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